The Maiden Voyage rusult anf the next voyage

1 Posted by - 2016年9月17日 - INTERVIEW

In 2015, from May 24th to 26th, Raft performed a live debut in 3 houses. What changed from the Maiden voyage? No one knew about them. What kind of results did they get as complete strangers? Now let’s take a look from the beginning.

In 2015, May 24th@PLAY YARD

When they arrived at the house, an unexpected surprise was waiting for them. The quality of equipment and instrument was totally low level. Especially the Drums and cymbals were cracked and broken. Koura got nervous. When in Rome do as the Romans do. Even if you know it, it’s hard to accept it. So many Japanese musicians have given up on making it big without showing their true talent. How you deal with it is the key to success overseas. Usually it’s never asked in Japan.
As time went by, people started paying attention to their performance. After the performance, most of the people gave a big round of applause. That was the moment. People was impressed with their music. Chon-Kiow! – Cheers in Thai. They’re so happy at the wrap up party.

The live at “PLAY YARD”was great but they’re not completely satisfied. On May 25th, Fujioka, Koura and Fujita had a meeting at the hotel, discussing the feedback, improvements and the next task. There’s a saying a live debut usually ends with successful result. It means the next live show at “Studio RAM” must be the place to show their true talent. It’ll be a battle of bands with local musicians. People have high expectations for music. What will people think about them?

By watching the YouTube video (2:31-14:33), it’s unnecessary worry. They truly enjoyed their music.
In 2015, May 26th@STUDIO LAM

The live at “PLAY YARD”was great but they’re not completely satisfied. On May 25th, Fujioka, Koura and Fujita had a meeting at the hotel, discussing the feedback, improvements and the next task. There’s a saying a live debut usually ends with successful result. It means the next live show at “Studio RAM” must be the place to show their true talent. It’ll be a battle of bands with local musicians. People have high expectations for music. What will people think about them?

By watching the YouTube video (2:31-14:33), it’s unnecessary worry. They truly enjoyed their music.

In 2015, May 27th@FATTY’S BAR

On the last day, the live performance was a bit different. In addition to Thai, there’re also European tourists coming. Compared to last two days, it’s different. “They changed the music they used to play, and enjoyed the unexpected moment” people responded with a great reaction. You can see on YouTube from 14:34 until the end. Fujioka says “I was so happy when a German man said our groove was awesome!”

In 2015, May 28th, they came back to Japan. They moved on to the next step. Yes, this Maiden voyage was the first step to the next project. The next will be in 2015, from Sep. 30th to Oct. 5th. They’re all set with a new singer!